Our staff are dedicated to ensure that our students have the best opportunities to learn and grow. You are invited to contact should you need any assistance. Our staff are dedicated to ensure that our students have the best opportunities to learn and grow. You are invited to contact should you need any assistance.
John Hawley | Principal |
Sandra Trevaskis | Office Clerk |
Renee Julian | Administrative Assistant |
Wanda Rice | Kindergarten Aide |
Amanda Wellman | Kindergarten Aide |
Kathryn Sharp | School Counselor |
Amanda Robinson | Speech Therapist |
Kris Carroll | School Nurse |
Alyssa Tucker | Vision Specialist |
Krista Rojas | Librarian |
Gisela Cronin | Yard Duty |
Jennifer Gannon | Instructional Aide |
Erika Myers | Behavior Aide |
Sharon Schoen | Food Service |
Dan Goter | Maintenance |
Solomon Walker | Night Custodian |